Seal Registration (印鑑登録)
City Hall, Divisions |
Address |
Phone |
Main Office, Citizens Affairs Division 市民課, shimin ka |
Chuo 3-2-1 笠間市中央3-2-1 |
0296-77-1101 |
Citizen Service Center Kasama 市民窓口センターかさま, shimin madoguchi sentā kasama |
Kasama 1532 笠間市笠間1532 |
Citizen Service Center Iwama 市民窓口センターいわま, shimin madoguchi sentā iwama |
Shimogo 5140 笠間市下郷5140 |
0299-37-6611 |
Open: 8:30 to 17:15 Closed on weekends, public holidays, and New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3) |
▶Seal Registration (English, easy Japanese): Word / PDF
In Japan, Personal Seals (印鑑=判子, inkan=hanko) are used as proof of agreement or approval, like a signature. A Personal Seal is used for real-estate registration, vehicle registration, and other very important documents. Seal Registration is necessary to prove that your Personal Seal belongs to you. Kasama city residents can register their Personal Seal at the Kasama City Hall. In this case, you receive your Personal Seal Registration Card (印鑑登録証, inkan torokusho).
!Your Personal Seal must reflect the name written on your Residence Certificate (住民票, juminhyo)
Who can register a personal seal?
Individuals over 15 years old, registered as a resident of Kasama City in the Residence Record (住民登録, jumin toroku)
What to bring:
- The Seal you will be registering
- Photo ID (residence card, My Number Card, etc.)
- ¥300 (processing fee)
※When you register your Personal Seal in Kasama City for the first time, it costs ¥300. Re-registration of your Personal Seal in Kasama City costs ¥500 (e.g. when you lost your seal).
Seal Registration Certificate (印鑑登録証明書, inkan toroku shomeisho)
Seal Registration Certificate is a document to prove that your Personal Seal belongs to you.
What to bring:
- Seal Registration Card (印鑑登録証, inkan torokusho)
- ¥300 (processing fee)
Personal Seals you can register:
- A seal that reflects the name written on your Residence Certificate (住民票, juminhyo). It can contain your full name (e.g., ジョン・スミス, John Smith), your last name (スミス, Smith), your first name (ジョン, John), or a combination "name+initial" (John.S, J.Smith).
- A seal impression size fits between 8mmx8mm and 25mmx25mm.
※You cannot register a Seal that contains only initials (e.g., J.S.).
!If you lose your Seal Registration Card or the Seal
If you lose your Seal Registration Card (印鑑登録証, inkan torokusho) or the Seal you have registered in Kasama City, please come to Kasama City Hall immediately and re-register your Seal.
What to bring:
- The Seal you will be registering
- Photo ID (residence card, My Number Card, etc.)
- ¥500 (processing fee)
- Seal Registration (印鑑登録, inkan toroku)WORD形式/23.71KB
- Seal Registration (印鑑登録, inkan toroku)PDF形式/89.94KB
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- 2023年4月6日
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