City of Kasama - Information for Foreigners (外国人向け情報)

Garbage Disposal Additional Information (助成制度等)

Important Contacts




Environmental Conservation Division

環境保全課 [kankyou hozen ka]

Chuo 3-2-1



Kasama Regional Branch, Community Division

笠間支所 地域課 [kasama shisho chiiki ka]

Kasama 1532


Iwama Regional Branch, Community Division

岩間支所 地域課 [iwama shisho chiiki ka]

Shimogo 5140



Open: 8:30 to 17:15

Closed: Weekends, public holidays, and New Year's holidays (Dec. 29 to Jan. 3)


Subsidy Programs 

Subsidy Programs (助成制度, josei seido)

  • Community Garbage Collection Box  (ごみ集積ボックス設置補助金, gomi shuuseki bokkusu secchi hojokin)

Costs for installing or replacing a community garbage collection box for communities with 10 or more households may be subsidized for half the cost (or up to ¥50,000).

  • Recyclable Collection Organizations (資源物分別回収団体への奨励金, shigenbutsu bunbetsu kaishuu dantai e no shoureikin)

Kasama City provides subsidies to citizens’ organizations (市民団体, shimin dantai) to promote waste reduction and the recycling of limited resources. To receive these subsidies, however, a citizens’ organization must conduct activities at least twice a year.

"Recyclables" (資源物, shigenbutsu) are listed as following:

  1. Glass bottles (beer, sake, etc.) and plastic crates for beer/sake.
  2. Aluminum or steel cans
  3. Newspapers, magazines, and cardboard.
  4. Clothes, fabrics, etc. (note that some recycling facilities do not collect these)
  5. Cooking oil

※For more information, please contact the City Hall.


Garbage Drop Off

Garbage Drop Off (ごみの持込み受け付け, gomi no mochikomi uketsuke)

In addition to the normal collection, you may also drop off garbage at your local garbage facility directly.

Facility: "Kankyo Center" Garbage Disposal Facility (環境センター, kankyou sent?)

Tel. 0296-77-2416

Hours: Monday – Friday, 9:00 – 12:00, 13:00 – 17:00

Acceptable drop-offs: Burnables, non-burnables, oversized garbage, recyclables, and hazardous waste.

Facility: "Eco-Frontier Kasama" Garbage Disposal Facility (エコフロンティアかさま, eko furontia kasama)

Tel. 0296-70-2511

Hours: Saturday (Individual): 9:00 – 11:30, 13:00 – 16:30

Accepted drop-offs: Burnables, non-burnables, cans, and oversized garbage.

Controlled burning is strictly prohibited!

Any form of controlled burning (野焼き, noyaki), such as burning your own garbage or fields, is prohibited by law except under special circumstances.

Recent complaints surrounding smoke from illegal burnings have been increasing. Therefore, we ask that all waste be disposed of properly at an appropriate garbage disposal facility, no matter how small.

 Thank you for taking care of the environment.

References: "Waste Management and Public Cleansing Act" (廃棄物の処理及び清掃に関する法律), "Ibaraki Prefecture Living Environment Ordinance" (茨城県生活環境の保全等に関する条例), "Kasama City Standard Environmental Regulations" (笠間市環境基本条例).

Garbage Disposal Assistance Program

Garbage Disposal Assistance Program (高齢者等世帯対象の収集袋によるごみ出し支援事業)

In order to help elderly persons or those with disabilities who may struggle with traditional garbage containers, "Non-burnables Bags" (不燃ごみ収集袋, funengomi shuushuu bukuro) and "Recyclables Bags" (資源物収集袋, shigenbutsu shuushuu bukuro) can be purchased by eligible households who apply.

  • Eligibility

1. Households where all members are 65 years or older

2. Households where all members have physical disabilities (and own a Physical Disability ID Booklet; 身体障害者手帳, shintai shougaisha techou) 

3. Households where members have been otherwise recognized as having difficulty carrying garbage containers.
※For more information, please contact the Environmental Conservation Division.

  • Garbage Bag Fee

・Non-burnables garbage bags: 1 bag = ¥40  (不燃ごみ収集袋, funengomi shuushuu bukuro)

・Recyclables garbage bags: 1 bag = ¥20  (資源物収集袋, shigenbutsu shuushuu bukuro)

  • How to Apply

1. Apply at the Environmental Conservation Division (City Hall) or Community Division (Kasama/Iwama Regional Branch). You may be asked to fill out a form.

What to bring:
1. Your personal seal (印鑑, inkan)
2. Physical Disability ID Booklet (身体障害者手帳, shintai shougaisha techou), if applicable
3. Enough cash (¥) to purchase the bags

※You may apply on someone else’s behalf, but only with that person’s permission.

2. Purchase the bags at the respective counter where you applied.

※Note these bags are not available at supermarkets or other retailers.

Non-burnables garbage bag

Recyclables garbage bag

 Non-burnables garbage bag

Recyclables garbage bag



〒309-1792 笠間市中央三丁目2番1号

電話番号:0296-77-1101 ファクス番号:0296-78-0612
